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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Boo Cups

I love this easy and spooky dessert. Kids really enjoy having their own little "boo" ghost. In this picture you'll see I forgot to buy my Oreos for the dirt, and had to improvise with leftover Milano cookie crumbs. Everyone thought they were fantastic. Your family & friends will too!

Boo Cups
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Instant Chocolate Pudding (1-2 boxes depending on how much you wish to make)
Pepperidge Farms Milano Cookies, 1 package
1 tube of brown frosting writing gel (found in the baking aisle with cake decorating at the grocery store)
Oreos or other chocolate cookie, 1 package
MnM minis, 1 tube
Cool Whip (if frozen place in fridge to thaw)
Short glasses (how many? It depends on how many boo cups you make)
2 Ziplock bags and scissors


Take about half of the OREOS or chocolate cookies and place them in the ziplock bag. Crush them up to make dirt. Set aside. If you end up needing more dirt, make more dirt ;-)

Line up your Milano cookies. With the frosting gel, write little epithets like RIP or 1892 etc. on the top half of the cookie (you'll be placing these little tombstones in the cookie dirt). Set aside to dry. Be sure to let the gel set for an hour or so.

Prepare the chocolate pudding according to package directions. If you are making a lot of boo cups you'll need more pudding, less if not so many. This is easy to adjust. Scoop the pudding into short glasses. I like to buy the plastic stem glasses found in the party stores. Glass martini glasses are also great. You want to pick something short. Those short plastic glasses you buy at the grocery store work too. After you put your pudding in the cups, seal them with plastic wrap for now and place them in the fridge to set.

Is the pudding ready? Let's decorate! First take your crumbled cookie "dirt" and sprinkle some on the top of the pudding. Place the Milano tombstone partly in the dirt. Now you will need to take the cool whip and place it in a ziplock bag. Snip the end so you can use it like a pastry bag. Pipe little ghost plops in front/beside the tombstone cookie. Don't worry if they are perfect. Ghosts are supposed to be creepy! Now you need to put the boo cups in the fridge until it is time to serve. DO NOT put the ghosts eyes on yet (the m&ms) they will run and blur. Be sure to put the ghosts on about an hour-3o min before serving time. This is because you can't cover the pudding up once you put the ghosts on, and if you did it way before you needed them your pudding can get a tough film on the top of it. ;-)

Just before serving, take those M&M minis and place them (printed side down) for the eyes. Serve to your guests and they will ohh and ah! Enjoy your little boo cups. They are tasty!


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