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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Deviled Eyeballs! (or eggs for the faint)

Ok Halloween is getting really close everyone! Time to get ready with some of my favorite recipes. I'm going to start posting all those gruesome vittles ya'll love to chow down. Be sure to try some of these out for your upcoming Halloween parties. And check back everyday as I will be adding more recipes...

Deviled Eyeballs (aka deviled eggs)

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1 Carton of Eggs, hardboiled
Miracle Whip or Mayo (your choice)
Jar of green olives, sliced
some chopped pickles (or relish)
salt and pepper to taste
2 ziplock baggies and scissors
red food coloring

Boil the eggs and set aside to cool. Prepare the eggs for deviled eggs. If you haven't made deviled eggs before... you cut the egg in half and gently scoop out the yolk. Put the yolk in a large bowl. Set the egg halves aside.

Get your bowl of yolks and mix the finely chopped pickles (or relish) and some mayo (not too much that it is runny, you want it kinda thick) and salt and pepper to taste.

Arrange your egg halves on a platter. Scoop the egg mixture into a ziplock baggie, seal it and snip the end to use as a pastry bag. Pipe the egg mixture into the egg halves (this gives it that round eyeball shape!)

Place a single sliced olive in the middle of the egg mixture. Now it's starting to look like an eyeball...

In a separate bowl, mix some mayo (or Miracle Whip, whatever you use) with red food coloring. A little red goes a long way! Scoop this into the other ziplock baggie and seal it. Snip the end (be sure it is a small snip) and now you can add the red "bloodshot" squiggles.


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